Sunday, August 30, 2015

More Thoughts on Authenticity

The dangers of Inauthenticity. Authenticity means being real with where you're at, not trying to act the part of where you wish you would be. Just because something seems right on paper doesn't mean it's right for you. You see this a lot with people who become religious. Their head knows that Read more...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Building Intimacy in Your Marriage

In this podcast we get deep into the things that are important to a woman. We explore the most important places to bring intimacy and incredible connection in our marriage. Have fun! And don't forget to comment below or if you'd prefer, send me a private message! Share this podcast if you think Read more...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Coming to you Live from the Sheraton! Coming to you from the Pentagon Sheraton in Virginia! I'm here as part of my coaching course. Here's a link to the Live Stream video I made on Friday.You get to come into my hotel room with me and watch how the room transforms into a Read more...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Please Help Neshama Go to School Neshama our 9 year old daughter with severe Dyslexia is a child from a different dimension. In the last two years her pain has brought thousands of people to charity and healing. I've written about her so many times that you may not even remember that Read more...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Live Stream - Polishing Candlesticks with My Mother

I have special visitors this week! My parents, who live in Cleveland OH are here for Shabbos and Shavuos. My brother Ace and his family are also here. This is a huge treat. As part of Live Judaism I decided to film us polishing the Shabbos candlesticks, something which I do way too infrequently. Read more...

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Get Through Life

In our family, we only name a baby after we meet it. That's when we know who they are. We look at them and they tell us. I've been writing a book on and off but the hardest part is the first chapter. That first chapter is so weighty. It makes me feel like I have to know what the whole book is Read more...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Homemade Pizza in 5 Minutes

Homemade pizza makes me popular. When I make it I hear a chorus of "Thank you Mommy!" coming from all ends of the family. Coming from challah baking where rising time is 3 hours, I just love that pizza dough takes only five minutes to be ready. I don't know how it is in your house but here pizza Read more...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Secret of My Success Part 1

When it hurts, you got to say it hurts and when it's amazing you got to say it's amazing! In this podcast I share the secret of why NOW is amazing. It has to do with this very special prayer call Nishmas ( or Nishmat). It is changing my life. I'm sharing it here, so it can change yours too. Read more...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mess, Stability and the Elusive Balance

Ah, Life coaching. That's all I can say. Well, I actually have a lot to say but most of is prefaced by "I just got coached on..." I'm just overflowing with learning. But enough about self development. Back to the the actual topic. So, I was recently getting coached ( yup - I wasn't joking) and I Read more...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I Don't Have Time!!!

Dearest Blog Friends, I've been thinking about you - and thinking about you - and thinking about you. And I haven't written to you! Something just isn't adding up. I write half a post and then someone needs a ride to the pool or I take a couple of pictures and the camera goes out of town with my Read more...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Was a Powerful Kid

This post is for all those kids ( and their parents) who are powerful. Kids who have big mouths, big opinions, big feelings. Kids who naturally question authority and have spunk. These kids often get the best grades but cause the most trouble. These kids often have the biggest hearts and the Read more...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Life Coaching - Transformation Through Writing

How I Use Writing In Life Coaching For Transformation Lately I've been using a lot of writing in my Life Coaching. As a personal coach I've been using it as a tool for self development, career coaching and relationship coaching. As a matter of fact, I ask all my new life coaching clients to have Read more...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Saddest Day of the Year

On Tisha Ba'av we mourn the loss of the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple) that was destroyed thousands of years ago, but in reality we are mourning all the subsequent losses that came as the result. And our understanding is that history doesn't just happen. We are partners in creating it. In some Read more...