Sunday, November 1, 2015

My New Blog

    Hi Everyone, I'm having blog troubles. Things aren't loading properly and  it won't let me post pictures. (I've been trying for the past week.) I've actually been wanting to update my blog and I've been working on it for the past little while. So the timing's pretty good, because it will make me finish that process sooner. Here are somethings I'm adding based on your feedback: -A white background ( instead of black) to make it easier to read - An Ask RM feature where you can send me a voice text with any question you want. (Fun!) - Links to articles on basic Jewish philosophy. - Bigger pictures And an overall cleaner look. I'm really excited! Even though it's not finished yet and all the archives are't moved over I'm planning on going to go live in a couple of days. As I go forward I would REALLY like your feedback. I want to be of most value to you. Bringing value to people is what drives me. And even though we've had some great conversations, there's so much more for me to know about what matters to you. A lot of blogs are very specific; fashion advice, business, advice, spiritual guidance etc...  or a personal sharing about a particular journey. this blog is different, it's a place for women. And women are complex. We are all about all kinds of things at once! Can you please take a minute to answer these 5 questions ? They are short and mostly multiple choice and it will give me a chance to hear your voice more clearly. Thank you!! And now, the questionnaire!       Read more...

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