Monday, December 28, 2015

What about single women? Do they Matter?

Coming up next week on Jan 4 is the Art of Womanhood Workshop. The workshop click here has had a great response. But one woman was NOT so happy. This is a message that I received on Friday ... and this is the answer:
Hi RM! Sorry to bother you erev yontif, but after watching your YouTube video about the women's conference I found myself grumbling internally. I have an issue which I have brought up to Rabbis and teachers alike, many times over. 
There are countless places out there that strive to help Jewish wives and mothers be the very best Jewish wives and mothers they can be, but there is so very little out there for those of us already struggling with singlehood. No one teaches us in HS or seminary how to be a great Jewish woman sans husband or children.
We are all taught that the role of a Jewish woman is defined by the home that she builds... and I believe in that paradigm one hundred percent. But what happens when G-d doesn't bless us with the gifts we dream of? What and who are we supposed to be?? I am not bitter and angry, but I am admittedly frustrated....


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