Saturday, December 12, 2015

What if I Don't Believe in G-d?

I got to make this video with Ruthie Guggenheim. She is a no nonsense hero who has been chugging away sometimes single handedly at Jewish Education for decades. What an honor. Even though we're sitting Talk Show style there' s one thing different than a Talk Show. Well, actually there's a lot - no band, no commercials  and no audience (but you!) The main thing that's different though is that its completely unscripted. We were just both thinking of Amy or Sarah or whoever it is out in middle America who may be searching for her roots. And we thought - what would she need to know. And so our conversation began. The cool thing is - that I actually want to have a talk show. One Day. Wouldn't it be awesome to feature amazing people in meaningful conversation broadcasted everywhere?   Read more...

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