Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cartoons That Make You Smarter

For too many reasons to count, my favorite place in the whole world is the Old City of Jerusalem. If I just sit still for a moment I am back there; Jews from every country and ethnicity converging together, tasting ice cream and falafel and most of all tasting home. Everyone there is family and every stone is the story of your life. It was there that I met David Aaron. Well, I didn't actually meet him in person then - that would come years later. There, I met him through his book, The G-d Powered Life. In the mystical ways of Old Jerusalem, I happened upon a man who happened to be his student who happened to have his books available and I happened to fall in love with them. In a small nook on an ancient stone bench I read. And read. And read. And none of what I read felt new. But all of it made me feel new. It's like when your brain is oxygenated. You have clarity. Everything is sharp. Your mind is on fire and you know exactly what to do next. I bought ten books. I gave away nine. I have lent out the one copy that I have left too many times to count. I even brought it with me when I went to train as a Life Coach. The training was on Shabbos and I wanted some Torah to learn. Over lunch break I sat with my fellow CTI members and we learned Kabbalah as explained by Rabbi David Aaron. And now he has blown me away again. Constantly changing, constantly producing - he has found a new way to teach and it's powerful! By using animation to illustrate the deepest concepts, it clicks effortlessly with your psyche. Cartoons are cool, cartoons are fun, and now, cartoons are really, really deep and mind blowing! After a 3 minute video you can magically and effortlessly explain and understand G-d, the meaning of life and life after death. Don't believe me? Watch them and see! One thing that I love about Rabbi Aaron's work is that its universal. It speaks to everyone. I mean, how many Rabbis can speak about Kabbalah on  E! Entertainment! That's how truth works. It resonates with everyone. Watch Rabbi Aaron's videos - you'll love his work and be amazed at how much it all makes gorgeous exquisite sense. I posted a lot here in case you are snowed in:) Visit to his website for many more. PS. I would highly recommend his book the G-d Powered Life. If I ever have an online store - that book is going to be in it! PPS. I showed some of these to my kids - what a great learning tool! The depth kind of went over their heads but the message is there for when they need it. Post below which video was your favorite and why!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQAq0CBzkng https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLNfRL3eXTE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAPElBpjHTU   More about Rabbi Aaron ( taken from his site RabbiDavid Aaron.comRabbi David Aaron Rivka Malka Rabbi David Aaron is a spiritual visionary and master educator who has invested over 3 decades delving into life’s BIGGEST question marks and sharing Torah’s transformational wisdom to adults and young adults. He has emerged as the ‘God expert’  simply because he has dared to ask and answer the most difficult questions that he/ALL people have and/or struggle with about God’s existence and their own. Rabbi David Aaron gently urges us to take a look at the self-defeating and silly notions we carry about ourselves and God. His wit lets our inner child listen while our critical mind begins to perceive a profound new world. Disarmed by Rabbi Aaron’s exhilarating undeniable clarity, we dare to look at our deepest assumptions, doubts and fears and challenge our paradigms of belief. Amazingly, we discover that our changing view of God and ourselves gives us access to reserves of personal power we never experienced before.  And new doorways open in our loving relationships. As a child of a holocaust survivor, Rabbi Aaron has struggled to erase his childhood image of God as a punishing old man in the clouds, waiting for us to fail.  As we identify with his tales of trying to “buy off” the ultimate doom, we realize that our childish fears and images sometimes rule our deepest thoughts. Rabbi Aaron teases us into letting go, if only for a moment, of our unspoken disappointments with God and ourselves. He slowly peels away the layers of confusion and mis-education and offers us a glimpse of the joy and personal power that a true, working belief in God and ourselves can provide. Learning with Rabbi Aaron is both profoundly moving and entertaining. People at every level of spiritual knowledge and practice enjoy the adventure of peeking around the corners of mystical ideas. Finding answers to our big questions begins a process that is life–changing.
His books which have been published by major publishing houses including Random House and Putnam have reached more than 200,000 people worldwide. He has taught thousands of students and reached millions through appearances on programs including Larry King Live and E! Entertainment. Rabbi Aaron received Semicha from the Israel Torah Research Institute, Yeshivat Itri, and is a disciple of the distinguished Dayan Rav Shlomo Fischer, Shlita. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Chana, and their seven children.

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