Monday, January 11, 2016

How to Check for Bugs When You Eat Romaine Lettuce and Other Vegi's   This is a video all about checking for bugs. Yes, you heard right! The Torah talks all about it. It was fun making this video for you, the hard part was finding an image! With this new blog all the feature images need to be large so I take them myself. I walked outside and started looking for bugs. Minky followd behind me with a camera - talk about a good sport! Anyway, I couldn't find any bugs. I picked up a little whisp of a tree and held it up like a bug, but Minky said "It looks like a whisp of a tree." Rivka Malka   So I walked further. It was so weird. Where were all the bugs? I saw a tiny ant here and there but that was it. A young mom was in the yard next door neighbor and she called out to me, "Are you okay? Are you looking for something?" "I'm looking for a bug." "Kids," she sang to her 4 homeschooled beauties who wants to find a bug?" They scrambled off their swings and started hunting. A half a minute later Mom calls out "Is a beetle okay?" "Sure!" I said. I looked over and there, climbing on her fingers was a BIG brown beetle. Jackpot! I screamed. It was hilarious! I was looking for  bug and she got the mother of all bugs! Woo hoo! And so, we got our picture. Anyway, enjoy the video, it's pretty informative and I welcome your feedback - not just about the Mr Universe Beetle but with any questions or comments you have about checking bugs as well. Rivka Malka Rivka Maka IMG_4824     Watch the video here!       Read more...

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