What is Coaching?
Coaching is permission to fly.
Did you ever feel
stuck? It’s like that feeling of having all the pieces but not knowing how to put them together. Or like knowing all the answers but feeling like what you
want is just out of your grasp. You are just not where you want to be and you don’t see a way out. I have definitely felt that way before.
What if what you wanted to do,
who you wanted to be, was fully possible. And not in ten years. Now.
What we want is fulfillment.
We want to be living life alive; To spend our days crackling with a sense of eagerness and purpose. To be living our life's purpose and feeling good about it.
The goal of coaching is to get you there. Coaching
moves you from where you are to where you want to be.
Coaching is a conversation that makes a difference.
In coaching we cut through the fog and speak to the heart of the person. It’s a conversation about what matters to you. It’s where you get to unpack your story and create a new chapter. It’s where you set goals and find new and exciting ways to reach them. It’s where you find your life’s mission and begin to live out your purpose.

I remember the first time
I was coached. I picked up the phone not knowing what to expect. I just knew that I felt stuck and that I missed myself. What I hoped for was help. What I
got was clarity, restoration and transformation. It was like having a smart safe confidante/mom/dad/friend/mentor. It was a lifeline. I like my life was restored.
I found insight, I found direction, I found authenticity. I began to look at where I was playing small in life and the changes came powerfully and naturally. This is what I want for you.
There are three types of Coaching sessions.
- A Single Session. In a Single Session we will dive right in to whatever is on your mind. It’s an eye opening, supportive, spacious conversation about what matters to you. You’ll walk away with more clarity, perspective and insight. A Single Session is a great way to get the help you need now as well as to try out coaching and see how you like it.
If you’re ready to uncover your
AMAZING – then the next thing we do is to roll up our sleeves and get into it!
- Discovery Session – When we begin our work together the first thing we’ll do is spend one or two sessions in Discovery. These sessions are usually much longer and have elements of coaching within them, but their primary goal is to establish the relationship, to outline your goals and to tell your personal story. We’ll talk about your past, your present and your dreams for your future.
A coaching relationship is not a hierarchy. It’s a co-active conversation that is designed in the way that fits YOU, the client, best. I’ll ask questions, and we'll discuss what works best for you. Together we’ll outline what area's you want to work on and how you’ll know you’ve made progress.
And this is all just the beginning.
Transformation Session - After Discovery we’ll embark on a quest for transformation. Week by week, you’ll grow in awareness of your internal strength and the knowledge of how to maximize your dreams. Each session will be different as we move with the flow of your life, all the while keeping our eye on your goals. My job is to courageously support you, challenge you, be curious about you and to help you unlock your magnificence towards a more fulfilling life.
How much coaching do I need to achieve my goals?
Most typically, clients get coaching for three to six months at a time. Some choose to continue way beyond that and get coaching for years. Having a coach in your life is in invaluable resource for staying on track in your dreams and goals.
There’s a pattern that often shows up in coaching where the client experiences a “high” at the beginning and as things progress there is a “dip” somewhere between weeks 4 and 8. This is part of human nature. We crave all things new and most often don’t notice when steady growth is happening right before our eyes. In order to best support your true growth, (not just a high,) I encourage you to commit initially to three months. This will help you stay the course and reach your potential. To help you with this, I to offer a price reduction for a three month package.
I remember back when I got coached, I ended up staying for four months; Four
amazing months
. I still keep in touch with my coach from time to time.
More about coaching.
I want to tell you why coaching is my favorite model. I used to counsel and mentor a lot of people in my work and at home. Within those conversations were a lot of good intentions. There was compassion, there was communication, there was love. But here’s what there wasn’t:
There wasn’t transformation.
When a person came to me with questions, I opened my heart and listened, and I gave them answers. They walked away feeling closer to me, and with lots to think about. However, the help that I gave them was limited to the topic at hand. I never felt like I was addressing the whole person. Who knows if I even steered them in the right direction! I certainly
tried, But I was missing one crucial point.
I didn’t have the answers –
they did.
The cornerstone of my
training at CTI is the belief that every human being is creative, resourceful and whole. A Coach is simply a loyal guide that carries a lantern and goes with you on your journey, illuminating the golden treasures within you. And when you find what’s there, when you find out who you can
really be, that’s beyond counsel or advice - that’s
If you'd like a free consultation, text 410- 913- 6634 and leave your name and number and a good time to call.
If you're ready for amazing, make an appointment today! I'm looking forward to speaking with you!
Single Session – $75
One Month Package -
Includes Discovery and Transformation
Three Month Package –
Includes Discovery, Transformation and Life Purpose Quest
Total Reboot -
A full, in person, day of coaching with Rivka Malka. Totally reboot your life! See below for details
To make an appointment for a single session please use the appointment widget below. You’ll get an email confirmation once your appointment is confirmed.
Single Session Appointments are available on
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 and 12:00.
Wednesday at 9:00 pm
Full, In Person Total Reboot
This is for the person who is totally serious about change NOW. If you are ready to live life alive, to have revelations, make changes and see yourself in a whole new way, this option is for you.
What it is - Spend a full day with Rivka Malka and
totally reboot your life.
It’s a full body and soul experience; hours of one on one coaching, working with complete focus on the issues that matter to you. Plus massage, healing energy work, a personal beauty make – over. It’s an exhilarating experience that will give you the energy to MOVE your life where you want it to go and to unlock the person you were meant to be.
The day is 100% about YOU. You’ll get coached on core issues, discover your Life’s Purpose, be pampered, challenged and healed. We’ll bond together, laugh together and do serious work in all areas of your life.
Total Reboots are designed to give you what you need. Before the big day we’ll work together to plan all the elements that will best serve you. Just make sure you get a full night’s sleep beforehand!! We are talking a FULL day! Along with the Reboot comes two FREE follow up coaching sessions and one month of follow up coaching emails.
Prepare to fly!
Package Menu
Single Session – $75
One Month Package -
Includes Discovery and Transformation $350
Three Month Package –
Includes Discovery, Transformation and Life Purpose Quest $900
Total Reboot -
A full, in person, day of coaching with Rivka Malka. Totally reboot your life! See below for details. $1200
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