Friday, October 9, 2015

A Succos Movie You Will Love!

It's almost the end of the holiday of Succos and tonight we sat down to our annual Ushpizin movie. Ushpizin is a movie unlike any other that you've seen before. Set in Jerusalem ( yes, its in Hebrew with subtitles but trust me, it's worth it) its the story of a Hasidic childless penniless couple  full of humanity and overflowing with raw faith. The actors are actually Hasidim and the husband and wife portrayed are actually husband and wife. There are tons of cultural references but it all makes sense in a glorious way. ( And it's a great authentic Jewish education!) It's hard to describe how escaped convicts and a fruit play a major role in the movie and how you find yourself crying and laughing all at once. It's even harder to describe how clear all of life is after you see it. It's like a heart explosion! All of the teachings that are woven into the movie are Breslov. So if you fall in love with it as I did and are curious about more, you can check out this Breslov blog. In the meantime settle in, for a totally guilt free movie night and when you're done, share it with your friends!   Read more...

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