Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life Coaching Testimonials

Thumbs up to Rivka Malka!! You really changed my outlook on certain topics, opened my eyes and showed me my true strengths.
-Betzy G
Rivka Malka Perlman has a tremendous gift which starts with her smile radiating her own neshama. She exudes warmth in her coaching sessions, is an attentive, empathic listener, and helps guide the client with ease and confidence to reach self-defined goals. She has a talent for helping determine goals and narrowing those goals down to achievable steps while building up confidence and successful outcomes in those she works with. It is rare to find a life coach who will, and is successfully able to, incorporate Torah in the process.
– Chana Rivka Hersh Texas Licensed Professional Counselor
Bezalel is an INCREDIBLE coach! The two of you together will be the dream team in coaching, as in everything else!! The angel team!!
– Dana Janine Diamond – Freelance Writer, Music Publicist
So thankful for my coaching session with. Amazing how a single discussion can dig deep, revealing truth and pointing me towards what I knew deep down but was not living. And the timing was perfect, as shortly after the session I had a family health crisis, and the strength and perspective gained is helping me walk this difficult path.
-Rhonda Way Sloan
Had an illuminating, uplifting and enjoyable life coaching session this morning with Rivka Malka Perlman. Seriously, I feel like my neshama just went to a full-service spa
-Rivki Silver
I had a life coaching session with Bezalel and it really changed my life. Rivka Malka Perlman – has been a long time amazingly transformative mentor.
– Mallori Stoler – Pychotherapist

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