Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rivka Malka's Wholeness and Healing Through Creativity Retreat

About the Retreat

The Wholeness and Healing Retreat is a creative, exploratory, hands on, healing experience designed for the growth oriented woman.
As women we spend our days giving. We give so much that we can get burnt out. It's all too common for women to literally lose ourselves as we dedicate ourselves to daily responsibilities.
We need to refuel!
We need to have fun!
We need to deeply connect to our core and grow!
We'll embark on the Retreat as healing adventure using writing and art to chronicle this journey. We'll also be using some ancient powers:
1. The power of women coming together.
2. The power of letting go and having fun!
3. The power of creative expression.
4. The power of Torah learning.
Coaching will play a role in our work as we both learn skills and experience being with one another in a completely supportive, non judgmental way.
Its a time and a place where we can breathe in and say "Ah, I"m home I'm back to myself, I'm recharging." Its seeing yourself with new eyes and old eyes and greeting this woman with a giant loving embrace.
The emphasis on the retreat will be in re-writing our story and gaining new perspectives. Through intensive growth oriented workshops and free spirited creativity you will you uncover and delight in connection and wisdom.
What you need : A break
What you'll get : A rejuvenating, exhilarating, emotionally liberating, creatively stimulating vacation
This Retreat will be led by Rivka Malka, but is also a collaboration of artists, teachers and creators. Among our participants we are looking for Movement Teachers, Artists, Speakers, Jewelry Makers, Musicians, Writers and anything else you think would fit in. Don't be shy, be creative! If you have something to share, we want to hear about it.
Date: Sunday Nov 1 - Tuesday Nov 3

Location: Pearlstone Center 5425 Mt Gilead Rd Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

Mission: To give a huge and generous gift to women. To give women a time to reconnect with their essential selves. To create a safe and energizing space for growth and healing. To nurture and encourage women's natural creativity. To increase support and sisterhood.


Please complete the form below and I will send you more information.

    The best part of this retreat is that we get to learn from each other! If you answer yes to this question you will soon receive a form asking about your ideas. You don't have to have leadership experience to share what you know. Some workshops will be formal and some will be a small group gatherings. We will confirm workshop schedules closer to the retreat time.

Payment Information

The Wholeness and Healing Through Creativity Retreat is a subsidized program through the Pearlstone Center. The Retreat fee includes 2 nights and 3 days of lodging in the scenic countryside, 8 farm fresh Kosher meals and all art, craft and writing supplies.
The Payment structure is as follows:
Regular price $475
Activity Leader $425
Baltimore Activity Leaders $350
Babysitting Fee - $50
There are ONLY 30 spots available.
Full pay is due by October 20. ( You will be sent an invoice)
After you submit this form you will be sent an invoice for a $150 non- refundable down payment. Receipt of this payment guarantees your spot at the Retreat.
*NOTE - This Retreat is an experience of bonding. Although we have among us many talented women who can give and present - our ideal set up is that our presenters are also participants. However, if you want to join the fun and come only as a presenter, you may be in touch with Rivka Malka at itsrivkamalka@gmail.com.
*NOTE- After you sign up and give your deposit, please be patient. Due to the upcoming holiday season, the details of the Retreat will be sent out starting mid-October. After that, it's party time!!

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