Saturday, October 31, 2015

My Dream Came True

      I had a dream. In this dream I was on stage and the performance ( that I had been attending) was over. I was lingering up there, maybe organizing a few things, when the two sounds techs off stage began talking with me. They were playing Jewish Geography . (DO you know this person or that person..?) and I was answering them. Off to the side, I saw my sister. She came with her two little girls to visit me. I was annoyed. I was in the middle of networking. I was busy! I felt stuck. How would I be able to manage both conversations ( and the 2 different dynamics, one public one private) at once? I was also annoyed that she brought her kids. Wasn’t this adult time? I walked over to my sister and started talking to her when a teenage kid appeared and handed us a gift. It was two tickets to the next event  so that we could attend together. I looked at the tickets and I started to smile and then I threw my head back and laughed. This is what I needed!  I realized how ridiculous I had been acting. What was more important than spending time with my sister? And what was more precious than little children and motherhood? Those two tickets – that gift- brought me home and back to my senses. I woke up from my dream with the image so clear in my mind that I grabbed my notebook and wrote it down. Something about it was extremely important. Before I even got out of bed I called my sister Devora.  I wanted to connect – to act on this feeling of clarity.
Devora is my favorite nut - the only picture I could find is one of her on Purim!

Devora is my favorite nut - the only picture I could find is one of her on Purim!

Only two minutes into the conversation she said “ Rif, you need to come down to Atlanta. We’re sending you a ticket.  And just like that, my dream started to come to life. A couple of months ago, I had gotten a call from  Devora asking me if I would come to Atlanta where she lives to lead a women's event that she and her friend Nicole were planning. I gave her a huge yes! even though I wasn't quite sure what the event was. I knew the name was The 4 Auras.  I figured when the time got closer I’d hear more. That morning, she asked me to fly down to help them work the website and set up the infrastructure of the event. Less than a week later I was on a plane munching on Jalapeno chips and reading a new book basking in the excitement of something brand new. But I still didn’t know what it was. Then  I met Nicole.
Nicole is all the way on the left

Nicole is all the way on the left

Meeting Nicole is like meeting a life sized precious gem – rock solid and extremely precious. And she is on fire! Nicole walked in, pulled out  her laptop and we barely said hello before we were waist high in conversation about what we could do for Jewish women. I understood from Nicole and Devora that they had 4 goals for The 4 Auras
  1. Building Bridges. The 4 Auras is beyond denominations. Maybe it’s on purpose or maybe it’s circumstantial but the fact is that women who observe Judaism differently often don’t get a chance to meet let alone talk and connect. It’s time to meet and celebrate each other and to break down stereotypes and misconceptions.
We want women to get together, to come out of their usual circles and be embraced through rich programming with a community of women who seek vitality.
  1. Jewish Enrichment. We are all hungry. You can have a Torah Observant woman who just isn’t feeling it, or a non - Observant women who hasn’t had the chance to discover what Judaism can be. Both are hungry. Both need spiritual food. We feel most alive when we are growing and working on ourselves. We need programming where we can enrich our Judaism and be lit up  with purpose.
  2. Support. The 4 Auras aims to provide programming for women in all areas for optimal Life Balance. That’s where the name 4 Auras come in. We’re looking to provide support for women’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves.
  3. Networking. The 4 Auras can serve as a database for business and services run by women . The website will aim to slowly build up information about Jewish communities across the US. You can find the help you need and support someone’s business at the same time. How awesome is that!
  Once I got it, I felt a wave of familiarity. At the Challah Bake last year we had experienced all of the above. We had women of all different types under the banner of a simple mitzvah ( Torah commandment) and it was marvelous. The camaraderie was unparalleled. We knew we couldn’t let it stop there and we decided to begin an organization called The Challah Ladies and start programming. But life got in the way and I learned that wanting to start an organization isn't the same as starting one.
This is the flyer

This is the flyer

So here I am  again.  I'm in a funny place in my life. It's like all the doors are open  but I'm not sure which one to walk through. I've never had this before. Usually, I'm rushing along and I find myself engulfed before I even realize it. This time is different. More than a few opportunities have come up recently and I find myself asking Hashem "What do you want me to do? So I'm  watching for clues, and this feels like a pretty strong one. Our first meeting centered around this inaugural event celebrating Jewish femininity. We scoped out the venue, set up the program and put up the website. Nicole and Devora are working on getting the word out in Atlanta and are  organizing the whole thing.  The evening is going to be lush with sights and sounds. I’ll be speaking, we’ll all be doing life balance work. We’ll be getting into mini groups for workshops and working with movement to the sound of beating drums. We’ll talk about why this is so important and what it means to be a woman and how nurturing your 4 auras is the dance of life. I’ll let you know how it goes! I really have no idea if this is like a slow growing fruit tree or like a fast growing vine. Will we jump into programming or take ten steps back and reassess? It’s up to the women. When they come they’ll let us know. This is totally grass roots. grass roots In the meantime, check out what happened. I said to Nicole and Devora , “I really like to bring Minky if I go out of town. If I come, I would need to  bring her.” The next thing I knew, two tickets arrived in my inbox. And my dream came full circle. Two tickets to an event. This event. I realized that it’s not just me who gets caught up in unimportant distractions’ and misses out on face to face relationships. It’s all of us. This event is the one I was given tickets to in my dream. This is the healing. We run and we run, and we do and we do, but very rarely do we stop to fill up. The 4 Auras event is to fill us up, give us energy, speak our fears and strengthen our souls.   I hope that sometime during the night, someone throws back their head and laughs, “I needed this!” If you’re in Atlanta  RSVP here!!!laughing         Read more...

Friday, October 30, 2015

What Happened to the Clothing Store? So here's where I condense 4 months of life, a major identity shift, a career change and a new found freedom all in one. In going through this process of uncovering whats true for me, I've learned something profound. There is no rescuing, there is no being someone you're not. There's only acting like someone you're not. The essential you remains the same. You can't get away from it. This means that by being inauthentic you are automatically in a lose - lose. You are not happy and you can't serve the world well either - because acting and living are polar opposites. Throughout this time I've been thinking a lot about co- dependence and rescuing people. What is my models for relationship? For four months I thought that my husband needed me to do this business and for four months he thought he was being patient while I figured out if I wanted to do this business. How crazy is that? Why did I think I needed to push myself beyond my natural space. Oh, all the people I would disappoint - the investors, the customers, my husband... I was owning all of that without owning my own piece of it. You can't own anyone else's feelings. You can only look inside and ask G-d what the right thing to do is and then let the chips fall where they may. When you try to control everyone's reactions you no longer have the clarity in the situation. Instead of honoring yourself for your process and others for theirs, you are denying your process and denying the other person the respect that they can manage their life and their process. Read more...

Friday, October 23, 2015

Last Night I Begged For a Miracle.

Last night I stood before 4500+ women and begged for a miracle. I also witnessed one. After thousands of hours of planning the dream of filling the Fairgrounds with Unity and love and challah came to fruition. Last year I organized it. This year it was in the hands of two friends Jen and Melanie with an army of over 700 volunteers. Watch this video and know that wherever you are, I'm talking to you. I'm talking to all of us. If you haven't heard about the Challah Bake or The Shabbos Project, here's a video that will catch you up. The Challah Bake is just the beginning. When the Shabbos Project is over we WILL be different. We can't not be after all that we've experienced. That's why on our way home from the Challah Bake tonight I circled around, not going home until until  all the people in our car made a commitment to one thing we would do to make a miracle. We need a miracle! What will you do? Read more...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 Ways to Raise Confident Kids

Exclusive content for subscribers only!

Some thoughts on raising confident kids. A kid's self esteem is sometimes all they have to fall back on when childhood get's rocky. In this video I explore 5 ways to help our sweet treasures succeed. Read more...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Are You Ready for a Change?

What is Coaching?Coaching 9 Coaching is permission to fly. Did you ever feel stuck? It’s like that feeling of having all the pieces but not  knowing how to put them together. Or like knowing all the answers but feeling like what you want is just out of your grasp.  You are just not where you want to be and you don’t see a way out. I have definitely felt that way before. What if what you wanted to do, who you wanted to be, was fully possible. And not in ten years. Now. What we want is fulfillment. We want  to be living life alive; To spend our days crackling with a sense of eagerness  and purpose. To be living our life's purpose and feeling good about it. The goal of coaching is to get you there. Coaching moves you from  where you are to where you want to be.Coaching 2

Coaching is a conversation that makes a difference.

In coaching we cut through the fog and speak to the heart of the person. It’s a conversation about what matters to you. It’s where you get to unpack your story and create a new chapter. It’s where you set goals and find new and exciting ways to reach them. It’s where you find your life’s mission and begin to live out your I remember the first time I was coached. I picked up the phone not knowing what to expect. I just knew that I felt stuck and that I missed myself.  What I hoped for was help. What I got was clarity, restoration and transformation. It was like having a smart safe confidante/mom/dad/friend/mentor. It was a lifeline. I like my life was restored. I found insight, I found direction, I found authenticity. I began  to look at where I was playing small in life and the changes came powerfully and naturally. This is what I want for you. There are three types of Coaching sessions.
  1. A Single Session. In a Single Session we will  dive right in to whatever is on your mind. It’s an eye opening, supportive, spacious conversation about what matters to you. You’ll  walk away with more clarity, perspective and insight. A Single Session is a great way to get the help you need now as well as to try out coaching and see how you like it.
If you’re ready to uncover your AMAZING – then the next thing we do is to roll up our sleeves and get into it!
  1. Discovery Session – When we begin our work together the first thing we’ll do is spend one or two sessions in Discovery. These sessions are usually much longer and have elements of coaching within them, but their primary goal is to establish the relationship, to outline your goals and to tell  your personal story. We’ll talk about your past, your present and your dreams for your future.
A coaching relationship is not a hierarchy. It’s a co-active conversation that is designed in the way that fits YOU, the client, best. I’ll ask questions, and we'll discuss what works best for you. Together we’ll outline what area's you want to work on and how you’ll know you’ve made progress. And this is all just the beginning. 3.Transformation Session  - After Discovery we’ll embark on a quest for transformation. Week by week, you’ll grow in awareness of your internal strength and the knowledge of how to maximize your dreams. Each session will be different as we move with the flow of your life, all the while keeping our eye on your goals. My job is to courageously support you, challenge you, be curious about you and to help you unlock your magnificence towards a more fulfilling life. Coaching 10 How much coaching do I need to achieve my goals?   Most typically, clients  get coaching for three to six months at a time. Some choose to continue way beyond that and get coaching for years.  Having a coach in your life is in invaluable resource for staying on track in your dreams and goals. There’s a pattern that often shows up in coaching where the client experiences a “high” at the beginning and as things progress there is a “dip” somewhere between weeks 4 and 8. This is part of human nature. We crave all things new and most often don’t notice when steady growth is happening right before our eyes.   In order to best support your true growth, (not just a high,) I encourage you to commit initially to three months. This will help you stay the course and reach your potential. To help you with this, I  to offer a price reduction for a three month package. I remember back when I got coached, I ended up staying for four months; Four amazing months. I still keep in touch with my coach from time to time. More about coaching. I want to tell you why coaching is my favorite model. I used to counsel and mentor a lot of people in my work and at home. Within those conversations were a lot of good intentions. There was compassion, there was communication, there was love. But here’s what there wasn’t: There wasn’t transformation. When a person came to me with questions, I opened my heart and listened, and I gave them answers. They walked away feeling closer to me, and with lots to think about. However, the help that I gave them was limited to the topic at hand. I never felt like I was addressing the whole person. Who knows if I even steered them in the right direction! I certainly tried, But I was missing one crucial point. I didn’t have the answers – they did. The cornerstone of my training at CTI is the belief that every human being is creative, resourceful and whole.  A Coach is simply a loyal guide that carries a lantern and goes with you on your journey, illuminating the golden treasures within you. And when you find what’s there, when you find out who you can really be, that’s beyond counsel or advice -  that’s transformation. If you'd like a free consultation, text 410- 913- 6634 and leave your name and number and a good time to call.  If you're ready for amazing,  make an appointment today! I'm looking forward to speaking with you! Single Session – $75 One Month Package - Includes Discovery and Transformation  Three Month PackageIncludes Discovery, Transformation and  Life Purpose Quest  Total Reboot - A full, in person, day of coaching with Rivka Malka.  Totally reboot your life!  See below for details -------------------------------------------------------- To make an appointment for a single session please use the appointment widget below.  You’ll get an email confirmation once your appointment is confirmed. Single Session Appointments are available on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday  at 11:00 and 12:00. Wednesday at 9:00 pm --------------------------------------------------- [book_an_appointment] Coaching11

Full, In Person Total Reboot

This is for the person who is totally serious about change NOW. If you are ready to live life alive, to have revelations, make changes and see yourself in a whole new way, this option is for you. What it is - Spend a full day with Rivka Malka and totally reboot your life. It’s a full body and soul experience; hours of one on one coaching, working with complete focus on the issues that matter to you. Plus massage, healing energy work, a personal beauty make – over. It’s an exhilarating experience that will give you the energy to MOVE your life where you want it to go and to unlock the person you were meant to be.  The day is 100% about YOU.  You’ll get coached on core issues, discover your Life’s Purpose, be pampered, challenged and healed. We’ll bond together, laugh together  and do serious work in all areas of your life. Total Reboots are designed to give you what you need. Before the big day we’ll work together to plan all the elements that will best serve you.  Just make sure you get a full night’s sleep beforehand!! We are talking a FULL day! Along with the Reboot comes two FREE follow up coaching sessions and one month of follow up coaching emails.  Prepare to fly! -------------------------------------- Package Menu Single Session – $75 One Month Package - Includes Discovery and Transformation $350 Three Month PackageIncludes Discovery, Transformation and  Life Purpose Quest $900 Total Reboot - A full, in person, day of coaching with Rivka Malka.  Totally reboot your life!  See below for details. $   [book_an_appointment] Read more...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life Coaching Sessions With Rivka Malka

What is Life Coaching?life coaching transformation

Life Coaching is permission to fly. Did you ever feel stuck? Like you knew you could have more but you didn't know how to get it? What if what you wanted to do, who you wanted to be, was fully possible. And not in ten years. Now. What we want is fulfillment. We want  to be living life alive; To spend our days crackling with a sense of eagerness  and purpose. To be living our life's purpose and feeling good about it. The goal of life coaching is to get you there. Life coaching moves you from  where you are to where you want to be.

Book An Appointment Here

Coaching 2

Life Coaching is a conversation that makes a difference.

In life coaching we cut through the fog and speak to the heart of the person. It’s a conversation about what matters to you. It’s where you get to unpack your story and create a new chapter. It’s where you set goals and find new and exciting ways to reach them. It’s where you find your life’s mission and begin to live out your I remember the first time I was coached. I picked up the phone not knowing what to expect. I just knew that I felt stuck and that I missed myself.  What I hoped for was help. What I got was clarity, restoration and transformation. It was like having a smart, safe, confidante/mom/dad/friend/mentor. It was a lifeline. I found insight, I found direction, I found authenticity. I began  to look at where I was playing small in life and the changes came powerfully and naturally. This is what I want for you.

Book An Appointment Here

There are three types of Life Coaching sessions.
  1. A Single Session. In a Single Session we will  dive right in to whatever is on your mind. It’s an eye opening, supportive, spacious conversation about what matters to you. You’ll  walk away with more clarity, perspective and insight. A Single Session is a great way to get the help you need now as well as to try out coaching and see how you like it.
If you’re ready to uncover your AMAZING – then the next thing we do is to roll up our sleeves and get into it 2.Discovery Session – When we begin our work together the first thing we’ll do is spend one or two sessions in Discovery. These sessions are usually much longer and have elements of coaching within them, but their primary goal is to establish the relationship, to outline your goals and to tell  your personal story. We’ll talk about your past, your present and your dreams for your future. A coaching relationship is not a hierarchy. It’s a co-active conversation that is designed in the way that fits YOU, the client, best. I’ll ask questions, and we'll discuss what works best for you. Together we’ll outline what areas you want to work on and how you’ll know you’ve made progress. And this is all just the beginning. 3.Transformation Session  - After Discovery we’ll embark on a quest for transformation. Week by week, you’ll grow in awareness of your internal strength and the knowledge of how to maximize your dreams. Each session will be different as we move with the flow of your life, all the while keeping our eye on your goals. My job is to courageously support you, challenge you, be curious about you and to help you unlock your magnificence towards a more fulfilling life. life coaching path  

Book An Appointment Here

  How much life coaching do I need to achieve my goals?   Most typically, clients  get life coaching for three to six months at a time. Some choose to continue way beyond that and get life personal coaching for years.  Having a spiritual coach in your life is in invaluable resource for staying on track in your dreams and goals. There’s a pattern that often shows up in life coaching where the client experiences a “high” at the beginning and as things progress there is a “dip” somewhere between weeks 4 and 8. This is part of human nature. We crave all things new and most often don’t notice when steady growth is happening right before our eyes.   In order to best support your true growth, (not just a high,) I encourage you to commit initially to three months. This will help you stay the course and reach your potential. To help you with this, I  to offer a price reduction for a three month package. I remember back when I got personal coaching, I ended up staying for four months; Four amazing months. I still keep in touch with my coach from time to time.

More about life coaching.

I want to tell you why life coaching is my favorite model. I used to counsel and mentor a lot of people in my work and at home. Within those conversations were a lot of good intentions. There was compassion, there was communication, there was love. But here’s what there wasn’t: There wasn’t transformation. When a person came to me with questions, I opened my heart and listened, and I gave them answers. They walked away feeling closer to me, and with lots to think about. However, the help that I gave them was limited to the topic at hand. I never felt like I was addressing the whole person. Who knows if I even steered them in the right direction! I certainly tried, But I was missing one crucial point. I didn’t have the answers – they did. The cornerstone of my training at CTI is the belief that every human being is creative, resourceful and whole.  A Life Coach is simply a loyal guide that carries a lantern and goes with you on your journey, illuminating the golden treasures within you. And when you find what’s there, when you find out who you can really be, that’s beyond counsel or advice -  that’s transformation. If you're ready for amazing,  make an appointment for a FREE sample session today! I'm looking forward to speaking with you! Sample Session - Free! Single SessionGet coached on what matters to you One Month Package - Includes Discovery and Transformation  Three Month PackageIncludes Discovery, Transformation and  Life Purpose Quest  Total Reboot - A full, in person, day of life coaching with Rivka Malka.  Totally reboot your life!  See below for details -------------------------------------------------------- To make an appointment for a life coaching session please use the appointment widget below.  You’ll get an email confirmation once your appointment is confirmed.   ---------------------------------------------------

Book An Appointment Here

personal coach

Full, In Person Total Reboot

This is for the person who is totally serious about change NOW. If you are ready to live life alive, to have revelations, make changes and see yourself in a whole new way, this option is for you. What it is - Spend a full day with Rivka Malka and totally reboot your life. It’s a full body and soul experience; hours of one on one coaching, working with complete focus on the issues that matter to you. Plus massage, healing energy work, a personal beauty make – over. It’s an exhilarating experience that will give you the energy to MOVE your life where you want it to go and to unlock the person you were meant to be.  The day is 100% about YOU.  You’ll get coached on core issues, discover your Life’s Purpose, be pampered, challenged and healed. We’ll bond together, laugh together  and do serious work in all areas of your life. Total Reboots are designed to give you what you need. Before the big day we’ll work together to plan all the elements that will best serve you.  Just make sure you get a full night’s sleep beforehand!! We are talking a FULL day! Along with the Reboot comes two FREE follow up life coaching sessions and one month of follow up coaching emails.  Prepare to fly!

Book An Appointment Here

-------------------------------------- Total Reboot - A full, in person, day of life coaching with Rivka Malka.  Totally reboot your life!  See below for details. spiritual life coach

Book An Appointment Here

Also check out my Youtube playlist with life coaching videos. Read more...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Book An Appointment

If you're ready for amazing,  make an appointment for a FREE session today! I'm looking forward to speaking with you! Single SessionGet coached on what matters to you One Month Package - Includes Discovery and Transformation  Three Month PackageIncludes Discovery, Transformation and  Life Purpose Quest  Total Reboot - A full, in person, day of coaching with Rivka Malka.  Totally reboot your life!  See below for details -------------------------------------------------------- To make an appointment for a single session please use the appointment widget below.  You’ll get an email confirmation once your appointment is confirmed.   --------------------------------------------------- [book_an_appointment] Read more...

Thursday, October 15, 2015

What is Life Coaching? Rivka Malka Answers

What is life coaching? What is Life Coaching? Life coaching is about empowering people to dream big, to stretch beyond their limits and to go for what their heart really desires. What will make you sing rather than speak? What will make you dance rather than walk? What will make you live a life of aliveness, commitment and passion rather than settling for the second best you? Q. How are therapy and life coaching different? A. Therapy - A therapist looks at the past to unravel patterns, bring healing and build healthier models for the present. Therapy is an important resource for dealing with past and present trauma as well as doing deep inner work to build better health. Coach - A life coach is a facilitator for your strengths and empowers you to find the answers that will bring YOUR life to balance, success and fulfillment. A coach focuses on what's possible NOW and in the future. Our only agenda is YOUR agenda. People aren’t compartmentalized. They are multi-faceted and dynamic, and our model allows us to work with whatever topic our client chooses. We are committed to the idea that people are magnificent, creative and whole.  Q. How long do I need to work with a life coach to begin to experience change in my life? A. More often than not, a client begins to experience change from the very first session. Exploring topics from a coaching perspective brings new vision which leads to new thoughts and actions. We recommend working with a coach for a minimum of three months to really achieve the goals you set out for yourself. Q. How much life coaching do I need to achieve my goals? A. Most typically, clients get life coaching for three to six months at a time. Some choose to continue way beyond that and get coaching for years.  Having a coach in your life is in invaluable resource for staying on track in your dreams and goals. There’s a pattern that often shows up in coaching where the client experiences a “high” at the beginning and as things progress there is a “dip” somewhere between weeks 4 and 8. This is part of human nature. We crave all things new and most often don’t notice when steady growth is happening right before our eyes.   In order to best support your true growth, (not just a high,) we encourage you to commit initially to three months. This will help you stay the course and reach your potential. To help you with this, we offer a price reduction for a three month package.

Book An Appointment Here

What is Life Coaching and How Long Will It Take?

In the first month -  you'll get unstuck In the second month - you'll have movement and maintenance. In the third month - you will have a whole new set of choices before you as you begin to actualize your dreams. Staying with the process is saying to yourself that your life matters. It's worth it. What is life coaching? Empowerment! What is life coaching? Transformation! What is life coaching? Finding the REAL you!

Book An Appointment Here

For more detailed information, visit my life coaching page. If you would like to read a great article about life coaching myths, read the CBS article here. Read more...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life Coaching Testimonials

Thumbs up to Rivka Malka!! You really changed my outlook on certain topics, opened my eyes and showed me my true strengths.
-Betzy G
Rivka Malka Perlman has a tremendous gift which starts with her smile radiating her own neshama. She exudes warmth in her coaching sessions, is an attentive, empathic listener, and helps guide the client with ease and confidence to reach self-defined goals. She has a talent for helping determine goals and narrowing those goals down to achievable steps while building up confidence and successful outcomes in those she works with. It is rare to find a life coach who will, and is successfully able to, incorporate Torah in the process.
– Chana Rivka Hersh Texas Licensed Professional Counselor
Bezalel is an INCREDIBLE coach! The two of you together will be the dream team in coaching, as in everything else!! The angel team!!
– Dana Janine Diamond – Freelance Writer, Music Publicist
So thankful for my coaching session with. Amazing how a single discussion can dig deep, revealing truth and pointing me towards what I knew deep down but was not living. And the timing was perfect, as shortly after the session I had a family health crisis, and the strength and perspective gained is helping me walk this difficult path.
-Rhonda Way Sloan
Had an illuminating, uplifting and enjoyable life coaching session this morning with Rivka Malka Perlman. Seriously, I feel like my neshama just went to a full-service spa
-Rivki Silver
I had a life coaching session with Bezalel and it really changed my life. Rivka Malka Perlman – has been a long time amazingly transformative mentor.
– Mallori Stoler – Pychotherapist

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rivka Malka's Wholeness and Healing Through Creativity Retreat

About the Retreat
The Wholeness and Healing Retreat is a creative, exploratory, hands on, healing experience designed for the growth oriented woman.
As women we spend our days giving. We give so much that we can get burnt out. It's all too common for women to literally lose ourselves as we dedicate ourselves to daily responsibilities.
We need to refuel!
We need to have fun!
We need to deeply connect to our core and grow!
We'll embark on the Retreat as healing adventure using writing and art to chronicle this journey. We'll also be using some ancient powers:
1. The power of women coming together.
2. The power of letting go and having fun!
3. The power of creative expression.
4. The power of Torah learning.
Coaching will play a role in our work as we both learn skills and experience being with one another in a completely supportive, non judgmental way.
Its a time and a place where we can breathe in and say "Ah, I"m home I'm back to myself, I'm recharging." Its seeing yourself with new eyes and old eyes and greeting this woman with a giant loving embrace.
The emphasis on the retreat will be in re-writing our story and gaining new perspectives. Through intensive growth oriented workshops and free spirited creativity you will you uncover and delight in connection and wisdom.
What you need : A break
What you'll get : A rejuvenating, exhilarating, emotionally liberating, creatively stimulating vacation
This Retreat will be led by Rivka Malka, but is also a collaboration of artists, teachers and creators. Among our participants we are looking for Movement Teachers, Artists, Speakers, Jewelry Makers, Musicians, Writers and anything else you think would fit in. Don't be shy, be creative! If you have something to share, we want to hear about it.
Date: Sunday Nov 1 - Tuesday Nov 3

Location: Pearlstone Center 5425 Mt Gilead Rd Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

Mission: To give a huge and generous gift to women. To give women a time to reconnect with their essential selves. To create a safe and energizing space for growth and healing. To nurture and encourage women's natural creativity. To increase support and sisterhood.


Please complete the form below and I will send you more information.

    The best part of this retreat is that we get to learn from each other! If you answer yes to this question you will soon receive a form asking about your ideas. You don't have to have leadership experience to share what you know. Some workshops will be formal and some will be a small group gatherings. We will confirm workshop schedules closer to the retreat time.

Payment Information

The Wholeness and Healing Through Creativity Retreat is a subsidized program through the Pearlstone Center. The Retreat fee includes 2 nights and 3 days of lodging in the scenic countryside, 8 farm fresh Kosher meals and all art, craft and writing supplies.
The Payment structure is as follows:
Regular price $475
Activity Leader $425
Baltimore Activity Leaders $350
Babysitting Fee - $50
There are ONLY 30 spots available.
Full pay is due by October 20. ( You will be sent an invoice)
After you submit this form you will be sent an invoice for a $150 non- refundable down payment. Receipt of this payment guarantees your spot at the Retreat.
*NOTE - This Retreat is an experience of bonding. Although we have among us many talented women who can give and present - our ideal set up is that our presenters are also participants. However, if you want to join the fun and come only as a presenter, you may be in touch with Rivka Malka at
*NOTE- After you sign up and give your deposit, please be patient. Due to the upcoming holiday season, the details of the Retreat will be sent out starting mid-October. After that, it's party time!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Preparing for Rosh Hashanah | Preparing for the High Holy Days

This video about preparing for Rosh Hashanah was posted a week ago. Now it is one week closer to Rosh Hashanah. In fact, tonight, as I write this we are less than a week away.  The month before Rosh Hashana is called Elul. Its a time to prepare for the Day of Judgment. Even though its a matter of life and death we can somehow we get overwhelmed and let it pass up by.  We're just like that. The daily- ness of life obscures it's preciousness. If you feel like Elul is passing you by, you're in good company- but it's not too late! PS Because I am posting this video so close to Rosh Hashanah, I am also including some gems about preparing for Rosh Hashanah wisdom from my coach, R' Aryh Nivin. As a special treat he gave a free recorded talk/sermon about preparing for Rosh Hashanah.

Preparing for Rosh Hashanah

"Rosh Hashanah is the DNA of the year. Everything that happens to us that day determines what our year will be like. But what about if we wake up in a bad mood, if things go wrong? What we're talking about here is not our external experience, its about how we relate internally to our external circumstance. Its the Day of Essence. What matters is your internal response. This is the secret of life. The externals of life have nothing to do with you. Its about about your effort. This is transcendence." -Rabbi Nivin   "The essence of Rosh Hashana is to strip away everything you have. I am not (enter name) who does this( enter job). I have nothing. It's all being decided now. As it says, He who enters Rosh Hashanah poor will end the year rich." Start out with nothing but the primal scream, the Shofar, the deepest desire to connect to Hashem. " -Rabbi Nivin " We live in something called the Time Continuum. But in fact, its all an illusion. There's no actual continuation from one second to the next. We need to be able to timeless- to step out of time and see our story and rewrite the script. In order to truly be in Rosh Hashanah we need to step out of time and get off the train." - Rabbi Nivin "Thirty days before Rosh Hashana, the illumination of the Yom Tov is already streaming down to us. All of Elul is code. It's G-d telling us what we need to know for next year. Pay attention. Everything that happens to you is information. It's a time - not to think about what is, but what can be. Its a time to dream and invent and open every door of possibility." -Rabbi Nivin To access the full recording  about preparing for Rosh Hashanah- available for the month of September call: 605-562-3149 Access code 333039# Watch my video about preparing for Rosh Hashanah below: Read more...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

I Am a Jew and I Stand with Israel

I am a Jew and today I am coming out of hiding. I am a Jew and today I pull off my garb of polite concern and reveal the heart that beats beneath. I am a Jew and today I will speak my truth. In a world where everyone has an opinion and connection is often obscured by the sound of clashing voices I have always taken a stand; “Be a lover, not a fighter.” And though they may not phrase it exactly like that, many of my friends and fellow Jewish leaders choose the same. We have sought to make an impact, spreading light – by teaching Torah in ways that people can hear it. Our goal is to offer truth and clarity so that we can improve the lives of our fellows. For me that meant an unspoken rule – stay away from politics. And if I’m really honest, what it meant was, don’t talk about Israel. How can a Jew not talk about Israel? Why would someone in Jewish leadership leave out one of the most central components of Judasim? Why would I hold back from being honest about what is dear to me? Why would I hold back from speaking out in the name of my people whose blood is being shed – when my own relative in Israel landed up in the hospital last week - she was eating lunch at a cafe when the stones were hurtled at her face. Why? Because I was scared.  Anti Israel voices stand ready to lunge, brainwashed by the media, fueled by irrational arguments like a loaded cannon. And when I would step out and put anything on Facebook about terror attacks in Israel, they would fire. BAM!BAM! BAM! ATTACK! ATTACK!ATTACK! Ridiculous, vociferous and virulent. Against the people that I love. So I stopped. I said to myself, “I don’t want to subject the People of Israel to more hate. I can’t post about the daily atrocities because I will be adding fuel to the fire. “ I rationalized, "If I post things that people don't like, they won't be open to hearing my message. I will just cause controversy." I ran away from the truth.  I didn't want to rock the boat and so I chose love as my best defense. But I was wrong. Because being a lover doesn’t mean to not ruffle any feathers. To be a lover means to stand by your loved one’s side and not let go no matter what. Even when it causes mockery, even when it’s misconstrued, even when you pay a price. Today I admit that I was a coward – shamed into silence by those same people who are killing my friends; Frightened into political correctness by a blind and biased world. My unpublished articles and unposted videos give testimony to my fear. “Stay clear of the topic, just keeping spreading light” I thought - But light equals truth and the truth needs to be spoken. Today I will tell you in clear and unafraid words where I stand. I stand with Israel. And today I will invite you, Jew or non-Jew to take an unabashed stand with me. Be courageous, think for yourself and see what’s going on! I cannot spend another minute in silence while families are gunned down and women are knifed in the back screaming for help while Arabs nearby watch calmly drinking a cup of coffee. I cannot be quiet when fireworks are shot in celebratory parties after Arabs kill both the mother and father of the Henkin family and were saddened that they didn't get to kill their four kids as well. I cannot be quiet when one week later a baby is born and proudly named after the terrorist who shot them. I cannot be quiet when young men are kidnapped and murdered and deadly missiles are shot into towns and parents worry about sending their kids to school. I am not here to educate you. If you are willing to be honest you will find the answers. But be prepared. The distortions and silence of Western media will disturb you. The insane irrational hatred of the Arabs will unnerve you. The truth of what is going on will rock your world. Good and Evil are at war here. Choose your side. I am a Jew. I am proud. I stand with Israel. Click HERE  to stand with Israel. To Get Educated Start HERE Read more...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fight For Your Dreams - The Power of Choice

Today I want to talk about how to fight for your dreams, or FIGHT. FIGHT is what happens when you are FINISHED being a victim to circumstance. Fight is what I discovered just last week and it's what I'm spreading like a fire breathing dragon. Last week I had an encounter. I wish I could share the details but in the name of protection I can't. Suffice it to say that this "casual" encounter was something that made me very uncomfortable. The person left and I stood there. A deep rumble came up from within me. "Noooo mooorrre!" it roared. In a flash of clarity that was long overdue I realized what I needed to do. I saw my part in things. But more than that - in that exact moment I gave up all willingness to be a victim. On. Any. Level. There is a place for process. There is a place for psychological understanding, for compassion and sympathy - and then there is a place for FIGHT. This FIGHT that I speak of is not aggressive. It doesn’t cause damage, it builds worlds. Its your very essence screaming, “Choose life!” The other day a girl came to me because her best (and only) friend dumped her. Tears were streaming down her face as she came in to my house to tell me what happened.  She was miserable, sweaty and sad. She was heartbroken. It was Shabbos, so I sat with her in the late hours of evening on the couch. We spoke about her relationships in school and how she was called weird.  She felt pitiful, hopeless and discouraged Forty minutes later, when she calmed down I looked at her and said "Remember all those reasons that girl gave you for not being friends? It had nothing to do with you. Right? She has her growing up to do. She has goals she wants to accomplish and she doesn't know how this friendship works into that." "Guess what. You have goals too! You want to have friends! You want to get good grades! You have dreams! This is time for you to be the person you always wanted to be! You’ve had a rough few years. You know what it’s like to not have friends. Now it’s time to change things. Now you are going to create yourself!” You can fight for your dreams! She looked at me. "But I'm weird. Everyone says I'm weird, I'm just different and anyway no one in my class is nice." I said "Than you be nice. You be the nicest girl in the class. You go out and win an award for how nice you are! You be the role model of niceness for all humanity! Not only that, but you can get the grades you want. You can end the year at the top of class. You can!" She had never heard me talk like that. Teenage kids come over to hang out in our living room all the time and usually they get licorice and popcorn and nice words. Not this time. This time I knew that she had only two places to go - down into feeling worse for herself or up into FIGHT. This exact experience of loss could propel her into victimhood (noone wants to be friends with me not even my best friend) or triumph (at the lowest point in my life, I picked my head up and said, I am going to make something of myself.) And these are my thoughts today. Feeling your  feelings is important. Being sad or lonely or in pain or debt is real and it’s necessary. But after that comes FIGHT. FIGHT for me is a code word for choosing, for triumphing, for fully owning adulthood and the fact that we get back what we invest and not a penny more. To the extent that we are willing to work for it (good health, a good marriage, money, friends) that is the extent that we will win. Winning doesn’t always mean getting what we want but it does mean having fulfillment, empowerment and accomplishment. This week I read about a woman with Stage 4 cancer. Her doctors gave her 6 months to live. She prepared to say good bye to her family and friends. When after one year she was still alive - she decided "Oh, I'm not dying. In that case, I’m going to LIVE. She began speaking and mentoring and blogging. Everywhere she goes people know her and are praying for her. On so many counts this woman is incredible. But you know what got me in that article? When she wrote "I blog every single day, even if I am exhausted from treatments." A small thing maybe, compared to her other feats of survival. But to me, it spoke of FIGHT. A choice. I struggle to find time to write. I know in my heart that I am supposed to be teaching and sharing and yet days and weeks go by when I am too busy, too tired or wonder if it even matters. What I learned from Chaya is that she is at choice. Cancer doesn't stop her. Chemo doesn't stop her. Fear of dying doesn't stop her. She is at FIGHT. She is clear about what she wants to do and she is going out and doing it. We live with demons bigger than cancer. We live with parent's voices and depression's voice. We live with the memories of disappointments and loss. And it is all too easy to let those voices make the choice for us. They do it all the time, even when we are not aware of it. And this is why I use the word FIGHT. I am not a fighter by nature. I like peace and compromise. And when it comes to other people, that is the way to go. But when it comes to yourself, to the things you dream of, to the person you need to be and the future you need to create - that requires fight. You've got to fight past the "I'm weird” of an 8th grader and push for the medal. Nina is an 19 year old girl from a terrible family situation. She has no support and her father, still wanting control, won't release his financial information so that she can apply for financial aid. All Nina wants is an education. She's a smart girl and college is her ticket to her future. A month and a half ago a woman named Terry offered to help Nina with Fafsa (financial aid) and met with her once or twice to determine a course of action. Nina was excited. She finally had support. The dream could come true. Then the woman stopped returning her phone calls. Nina left message after message and for unknown reasons was not met with a response. I've been trying to help Nina so yesterday I asked her, "What's up with the Fafsa?" She looked at me with a frustrated grin, "Well. Tomorrow is harass Terry day." I said "Nina, WHY?" You've been calling Terry so many times and she hasn't answered. Maybe she's off helping someone else. Who knows? What you DO know is that you want to go to college. So let's see how you can make that happen." "But how can it happen if I don't have my paperwork? I don't understand?" Nina was nearly crying. Having spent most of her life being disempowered she couldn't believe that anything could change. I saw her face struggling. My words confused her. She wanted to believe me but she couldn't. I said "Nina, this is your future. You want it. You've got to go out and get it. There are a million ways to get into college and we've got to find those ways. You will not sit here being a victim to phone tag while your dreams slip away from you." I pulled out a Sharpie and we began to write. In the middle of the paper - Nina. At the top of the paper - College. And then we began to brainstorm. Together we thought of ten action steps that would lead us closer to that goal of college. Ten steps that would probably lead to ten more steps. She had six things to do and I had four. "Nina, I'm writing down these four calls that I need to make for you. I plan on making them . But if you don't hear back from me very soon, I want you to bug me. Even though I'm taking responsibility for it, it's your fight, it's your dream." Today, though it was a tremendously busy day with a Doctor's appointment and coaching, I made those calls. Because of her determination to fight, action started to happen! I did four out of my four tasks. And guess what. Nina did six out of six!  She is on her way! Do you see what happened here? Nina got her FIGHT on. No More Victim. And her fighting spirit enrolled me. It spreads!  We wrote a mantra which I now keep on my fridge .

I am a fighter. I am not a victim to people or circumstance. I fight for my future.

Tomorrow is Yom Kippur. A day of Teshuva/Repentance/Return. On Yom Kippur day, we will stand before The King of Kings and we'll be asking Him for forgiveness and regretting our misdeeds of the past. But what about the future? The future is up to us. That's a choice. It's not just a desire. "It's Yom Kippur, I feel so elevated, I'm so inspired, I want to change." It's more than that. It's a look at where I've had enough of my choices, where I've been passive in life - and committing with  absolute clarity to do things differently.  Change requires a willingness to let go of the old way. To say  no more. And it takes work. When you change, you rock your world. But if you don't FIGHT it through you will never know what you can be. You have dreams to fulfill and greatness to achieve. It is all possible! May you be stirred towards your convictions, towards your dreams, towards life. May you be moved by the knowledge that YOU CAN DO IT and may you remember that the way to be written in the Book of Life is to choose it.

Fight For Your Dreams!

NOTE - Registration is almost closed for The Wholeness and Healing Through Creativity Retreat. If this Retreat is for you - FIGHT for yourself and sign up! RM-WomensRetreat-Banner (1) Read more...

Friday, October 9, 2015

A Succos Movie You Will Love!

It's almost the end of the holiday of Succos and tonight we sat down to our annual Ushpizin movie. Ushpizin is a movie unlike any other that you've seen before. Set in Jerusalem ( yes, its in Hebrew with subtitles but trust me, it's worth it) its the story of a Hasidic childless penniless couple  full of humanity and overflowing with raw faith. The actors are actually Hasidim and the husband and wife portrayed are actually husband and wife. There are tons of cultural references but it all makes sense in a glorious way. ( And it's a great authentic Jewish education!) It's hard to describe how escaped convicts and a fruit play a major role in the movie and how you find yourself crying and laughing all at once. It's even harder to describe how clear all of life is after you see it. It's like a heart explosion! All of the teachings that are woven into the movie are Breslov. So if you fall in love with it as I did and are curious about more, you can check out this Breslov blog. In the meantime settle in, for a totally guilt free movie night and when you're done, share it with your friends!   Read more...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How Dressing Your Truth Changed My Life [Video] If you’ve read my old blog posts and or you’ve seen my How to Dress Modest Bohemian video you know that Dressing Your Truth changed my life. It transformed me.  You know ,everyone wants to look good. What if there was a way that you could know exactly what to buy, exactly what would look good on you, exactly which colors and fabrics would make your face glow and exactly how to find them? That' awesome, right? When I was doing headwrapping work and traveling all around the US, I would watch faces light up as I dressed women in the colors most suited to their type. Sometimes the crowd would literally gasp in pleasure as I would choose the perfect scarf for each particular woman. And I would always tell them “Ladies, go look up Dressing Your Truth. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You know how I know the perfect scarf for you?  Because I learned this fabulous information from Carol Tuttle." I would write Dressing Your Truth and Carol Tuttle on countless slips of paper. The pleasure that women got as being recognized for their own Beauty Type was priceless and I wanted them to have more of it. There are not that many things that I stand behind 100% wholeheartedly - but I'll admit I'm a total fangirl when it comes to DYT.  In  our house discussing Energy Types is part of our daily vocabulary. We laugh at my TYPE 3SM-ness when I‘m jumping into a new project five seconds after thinking about it and we have compassion when my TYPE 4SM daughter needs quiet and the house is going nuts.  We are so into our Energy Types that it’s actually been a great source of fun and bonding for me and my girls.
Before = Nice After = Richly dressed in my own personal expression - Way better! Even my smile is brighter!

Before = Nice
After = Richly dressed in my own personal expression - Way better! Even my smile is brighter!

We shop for each other looking out for clothing that is each other’s types and finally know what looks good on each of us. No more shopping confusion. Trust me – this is a BIG deal with teenage girls. We don’t even go near something if it’s not our type - We would we?  It just doesn’t look as good. We also have patience with each other in a whole new way. This one gets a little too uptight (Oh, I get it, its part of being her Type!) We’re less judgmental and more understanding.  Not only of each other but with the people we encounter. As far as dressing goes - I still shop mostly at the Thrift Shop ( that’s where the treasures are hidden) and instead of coming home with bags of things I may or may not wear I zero in on clothing that are my Type and walk out happy and with items that actually look good on me. On the other hand if I’m in a regular retail store and something is incredible – just my Type and modest I’ll buy it too – guilt free, knowing that it’s something that will make me feel great every single time I wear it. If you don't know your Beauty Type yet, today is your lucky day - Carol is offering her Online Beauty Profiling course for FREE for my readers. You're going to have so much fun when you find out your Beauty Type. It's liberating - awesomikating ( new word) and this cool, inside out journey of self discovery that gives you a whole new set of tools. Just one thing  before you click -  I want to hear EVERYTHING! What Type of Beauty are you? Did it surprise you? How do you feel? This is so much fun! Just click below and you'll find out! If you’re already into DYT  I would love to here about your before and after's! Beauty-Types-5                   Read more...