Saturday, February 27, 2016

Elul! Episode 10 - Back to School

  School is almost here. And we wonder sometimes, "How can we do it all?" How can we prepare for the High Holidays, buy all the school supplies, get the kid's school clothes organized and be spiritually ready for Rosh Hashana. It seems so daunting. I know, I'm running around, making lists and doing errands and generally feeling like there are more things to do then fit in the day. Even if you're not in school; autumn is coming and the spirit  of transition is in the air. And I realized, just today, that all is as it should be. This order, this timing, is exactly perfect. I may want to be in a freeze frame - free from responsibilities, to learn and read and meditate and grow. But that's not what I need. Real life is where the growth is. Waking up every day, this month and every month and infusing all our actions with kindness and purpose. School starts in a week for my kids and when I saw this video, I remembered teachers. Teachers don't just show up and teach, they've been preparing all during the summer for thier class, tlka bout dedication! Teachers are so incredible, what action can I take to show my appreciation this Elul?

Who else in your life can use a note or a call?


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