What they expect when they hang out with us is that I run the show. They assume that I'm the it and he's the sidekick. That my work takes precedence. Then they hang out with us and they see that nothing could be further from the truth. We're partners and friends and we support each other - and though we're different we LOVE our differences. One of our main goals in marriage is to build each other up.
So why do I bring this up? Because, after feeling really bad (Omg, you think I have a bad marriage?!!) I realized that people only assume this because that's how it usually is. More often than not, when one spouse grows, the marriage shrinks. It's like the flip side of enlightenment is self righteousness. Or, to be kinder, things have changed and you just don't know what to do with it.
I started to point fingers until I remembered that that was almost me! ( I'll tell you all about it on Wednesday's webinar.) I made so many mistakes and I learned so much. As a person who is constantly seeking to grow I have had thousands of opportunities to take the wrong route in my marriage. And sometimes I did - Oy vey!
It's so subtle. Because what you're doing is actually amazing, so what could be wrong?
I've seen so many women confused as they try to make sense of their growth and its impact on their relationship. I spoke to Shlomo Slatkin of The Marriage Restoration Project. and he knew exactly what I meant. In his work counseling couples he's seen this scenario time and time again. women are struggling - And we decided to do a webinar together.
from RivkaMalka.comRivkaMalka.com http://ift.tt/1W8RqtS
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