The Rockaways Need Our Help
Those people are suffering. The rest of us are divided into two categories - those who are help them and those who don't. Unfortunately, until now, I've been in the category of those who don't.
Last night, Frank Storch a local community activist read:Tzadik ,a seriously righteous man) came to WOW and described the relief efforts that he and others have made. When he heard the storm was coming he got on a plane and came right back home from Israel where he had been visiting. Most people would have stayed away but he wanted to be right where he could help. As he said last night, he wanted "to make a difference."
And make a difference he did. Buying out all the generators from at least three Home Depot's and Loews. Arranging three trucks to go to NY filled with generators, flashlights and clothes.
And his latest arranging a grand community carnival to get the kids in the Rockaways out of the house so their parents can have some relief and use that valuable time to clean and clear and sort.
They need our help. They need our prayers. People are financially ruined, homeless and traumatized. Here is the link to Young Israel of Bayswater.
We are a nation of givers, leaders and role models. Wake up RM! Lets' DO something!
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