What they expect when they hang out with us is that I run the show. They assume that I'm the it and he's the sidekick. That my work takes precedence. Then they hang out with us and they see that nothing could be further from the truth. We're partners and friends and we support each other. In fact, one of our main goals in marriage is to build each other up.
So why do I bring this up? Because, after feeling really bad (Omg, you think I have a bad marriage?!!) I realized that people only assume this, because that's how it usually is. More often than not, when one spouse grows, the marriage shrinks. It's like the flip side of enlightenment is self righteousness. Or, to be kinder, as you change your relationship changes and you just don't know what to do with it.
As I thought about this, I started to feel indignant - "What are people doing getting SO off course?" Until I remembered that that was almost me!
I have made so many mistakes and I have learned so much. As a person who is constantly seeking to grow I have had thousands of opportunities to take the wrong route in my marriage. And sometimes I did - Oy vey! (I'll tell you all about it on Wednesday's webinar.)
It's so subtle. As the song goes "How could something so right, go so wrong." I've seen so many women confused as they try to make sense of their growth and its unexpected impact on their relationship. I spoke to Shlomo Slatkin of The Marriage Restoration Project. and he knew exactly what I was talking about. In his work counseling couples he's seen this scenario time and time again. Women are struggling. We talked about this pattern and how it doesn't have to be this way. Personal development does not have to come at the expense of your marriage. And that's how this webinar was born.
Shlomo and Rivka, founders of the Marriage Restoration Project
It's not that anyone is bad. We're talking about two good people here:
A couple is doing okay. Not overly happy, not overly sad. Then one spouse gets enlightened. They get more in touch with themselves, gain new awareness and soon and find themselves unable to connect to their spouse.
You know how it is, I'm sure you do. It's the most natural thing in the world. Maybe you've just lost a ton of weight and are feeling brand new. Perhaps you're finding yourself through healing work or are getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur. You are deep in your mission. All around you opportunities are hopping.
And then comes a gnawing feeling:
"We're growing apart."
" Maybe I married the wrong guy."
"He just doesn't get me anymore."
"He's holding me back."
Life is complicated - it's not black and white. Sometimes your growth does eclipse your spouse and sometimes your spouse in not in a great place. Sometimes there is distance as you try to translate the new you into the old relationship. Sometimes it can even seem hopeless.
That's why I've teamed up with the Marriage Restoration Project for this webinar. After all how can I help women achieve their dreams without addressing the impact on their marriage?
I really hope you'll join this us this Wednesday for this conversation. It's going to be very personal and extremely practical.
Here are some of the things we'll be teaching
1. How to access your life mission
3. How to get your spouse on board
3 How to have your growth SERVE your relationship instead of threaten it.
4. How to LIVE in your Life Mission powerfully and in balance.
PLUS We'll share our personal stories of how we found personal development NOT at the expense of our marriage ( mistakes included!)
This is my first ever webinar - and I would really like you to be there. Self development is the topic of today. Women are doing amazing things. We are growing in ways we could not have imagined would be available to us years ago. Yet things are not simple.
Let's talk about it.
Click here - How To Dive Deep Into Your Life Mission Without Ruining Your Marriage. It's on Wednesday!!!
See you there!!
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